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For Olivier, picking up a camera was less a career change and more an inevitable next step in a life dedicated to serving people and preserving natural treasures for the next generation.

An energetic child born into a family on the move between Belgium and locales across Africa, Olivier’s boyhood was a montage of vibrant people, distinct cultures, and lasting connections. Arriving in the United States, he grew into the family restaurant business, eventually opening cafes of his own in Washington and Minnesota that focused on sustainability, community service, and social responsibility.

Outside the cafe, his energy and love for nature propelled him to elite levels of outdoor running and cycling—and a life on the road that again found Olivier encountering new people and places, witnessing both extraordinary beauty and urgent challenges.

Through his photography, Olivier hopes to reveal the impact of today’s decisions on tomorrow’s world, to show the beauty in our humanity, and to inspire us to protect our most vulnerable treasures.